Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Knowing Who Jesus Really Is Will Show You Who You Really Are

Jesus--from God to Son of God, when He passed through the birth canal, putting on mortal flesh. By doing this He became the pattern, the precursor of the many sons who would be born of His Spirit down through the ages. He is the One we imitate as to how we should function on this planet. That Life that He brought with Him was anointed by the Holy Ghost and He gave it to us.

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.- Acts 10:38 (KJV)

We have that same image on the inside of us and are empowered-anointed-by the same Holy Ghost to do the same things. Operate in the same ministry. As He is, so are we in the earth. Right now. The assignment given to us is to know the Person of Jesus Christ through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said "Learn of Me." (Matt. 11:29) Knowing Him will cause us to know who we really are. He has ascended into Heaven and sat down. He is now our High Priest, interceding for us so we can fulfill our calling. In addition to this, the Holy Spirit is praying through us (we provide the voice--He provides the language--if we let Him) in order that we pray to fulfill our rightful ministry so that it manifests. Haven't seen it yet? Keep praying. When it manifests, pray some more. Bear in mind that every child of God is called to ministry in some way, shape or form.

Only a life of fasting and prayer, yielded to the leading of the Comforter is pleasing to the Father. Prayer, fasting, worship and the Word. This is the price that we are all expected to pay; our reasonable service. Along the way we will encounter persecutions and afflictions. There will be temptation both to sin and to abort the path of destiny that is laid out before us. There will be anxious care brought by the enemy. How do we know that it is from the enemy? Because the nature of Christ in us has no fear in it. It is of power, perfected love and a sound mind.

Why do persecutions and afflictions come? Because of the Word. The Word of God in you is the source of your faith. This faith sustains you during your time on this planet. The just shall live by faith. We please God when we give His instructions our highest priority. No Word, no faith- plain and simple. Deceitfulness and lust of other things fall into the category of idolatry. Chasing after material things at the expense of your eternal salvation and believing that the more you possess the more successful you are, are two of the enemy's greatest tricks. When the Lord blesses, it is within the flow of your walk with Him. You do not have to venture outside to get it, and there's no human effort involved. It is released to you by His Grace.

The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. - Prov.10:22 (KJV)

The Christian life is one of service - to God first and to our fellow man. Love is the motivator. The key is to love Him with His love first; more than any person, animal, place or thing. That takes care of the idolatry issue. Then we are free to love each other through His love in us.

...Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind: and thy neighbour as thyself. - Luke 10:27 (Darby Bible Translation)

The road to spiritual maturity is clearly defined. The Holy Spirit is the One sent to show us that path. The first step begins when we decide to pray in the Holy Ghost on a consistent basis. The old way is to be ruled by our senses. The new, right and proper way is to be led by our new nature - just as Jesus was in His earthly ministry, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. - Jude 1:19-21 (KJV)

Stay on the path, and finish your course with joy.

Be encouraged!


  1. I love it.... even though you made some strong proclamations which i know otherrs may find controversial; but it is our duty to be ambassadors and as ambassadors we have to proclaim the truth of The One whom wee represent- Jesus Christ... wonderful post....

  2. Thank you for taking the time to comment, Mindy. I appreciate that. I do not mind controversy at all-I welcome it. The Body of Christ has become way too lax and many of us have no idea who we are and what we are called to do. Once we come to the full realization of that, this world will be a much different place. I believe that day is coming...and SOON. God Bless you!
