"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." - Hebrews 4:12
The Word is the barometer by which we measure spiritual maturity. It is quick (alive) and the Life in it (or rather in HIM) is what translated (raised) us from spiritual death and became our everlasting, eternal, endless Life. To the degree that we have entered into the REST that He has provided for us (from all DEAD works, because dead works could not produce, attain nor maintain the Life of Christ in us) we grow.
Eternal Life is a state of being but it is also a state of constant growing in Him. We should never be stagnant...that Life in us produces more Life as well as the Grace that is part and parcel of that Life. That Life is the "Christ IN you - the Mystery that so many of us fail to understand because we have not given ourselves over to the Teacher of our Spirit...the Holy Ghost. We activate our Teacher by spending time praying in other tongues - that is our responsibility, and that is how we grow. It is up to us to know the Mystery and to make the Mystery known. Otherwise we will continue to live with an earthly mindset. Our mindset should be heavenly because that is where we are from and where we will return. Soul transformation by the Spirit brings about permanent change. Don't try to change your flesh - it is dead. It is about the salvation of our SOUL. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.
"Dividing asunder of the SOUL and SPIRIT": The natural soul and the born-again human spirit. How far apart are they? The more your soul is in agreement with your spirit man, the more mature you will be. The less your mind is in agreement with the things of this "natural" realm, the more you will walk as a son. As many as allow themselves to be led by the spirit of God, they are the SONS of God (Romans 8:14)
Positionally and truthfully we are sons...but are we walking as such? The soul is the place of decision, and the choice is yours.
Be encouraged!

Great teaching. Romans 8 is powerful revelation of who we are in Christ now and in eternity.