During my prayer time recently, I have been meditating on this particular subject (off and on) and it was impressed upon me to share what's been going through my spirit. Here is something that we as Christians need to understand: at the core of the spirit of religion is an anti-Christ spirit. During Jesus' earthly ministry, that was His chief opposition. Anyone pressing into God will face the same resistance. This spirit will seek to neutralize you at all costs by cutting off your source of Power which can only be attained through constant fellowship with the Holy Ghost. Wherever there is a denial or absence of the Gifts of the Spirit, there is an anti-Christ, religious spirit present. ANTI-CHRIST EQUALS ANTI-ANOINTING. Many are busy looking for the PERSON of the anti-Christ when the SPIRIT of anti-Christ has been present in the earth since the early Church, since the Book of Acts. It is my belief that the seeds that this spirit has sown will give rise to the anti-Christ himself from WITHIN the Church. I heard someone else say this recently regarding this person emerging from the church, and I am in total agreement.
The spirit behind what is being promoted as "Chrislam" is anti-Christ. It is a trojan horse that has been sent by the enemy to poison the Body. Do you think that the "co--exist" agenda that is responsible for those bumper stickers becoming so popular was launched overnight? Your enemy has been carefully and methodically plotting his strategy for CENTURIES. Many people misunderstand what this spirit is about--it's main target is the Church. If you are a part of the Body, this means YOU.

It is only within the Body of Christ that the Power to defeat the enemy will be found. If the Church is neutralized, there is no hope for mankind. What are we going to do about it, church? REVIVAL STARTS WITH US.
I'd like to recommend two teaching series by Pastor Dave Roberson, available from his ministry website, free of charge. The first is titled: "Satan's War Machine":
The second is called "Unmasking Satan's Tactics"
These are excellent resources for us to identify the enemy at work in our lives and more importantly, HOW to neutralize him and his plots and schemes that are intended to destroy the Body of Christ.
I welcome any feedback that you may have concerning this particular subject. I feel that is largely misunderstood by the vast majority of Christians. What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear them. In the meantime, stay tuned for the second in this series. Next, I will be sharing some thoughts on the great "falling away" a.k.a. the Apostasy.
As always, be encouraged!
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