Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Proper Focus: Your "Church," Your "Denomination," or Jesus?

And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.  I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.  For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions,  are ye not carnal, and walk as men?  For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? [1 Corinthians 3:1-4]

For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. [1 Corinthians 11:18]

For quite some time, I have been seeing a lot of division among the Body of Christ, and it saddens me. I will admit that growing up, my family was part of a denomination that taught a particular doctrine (I will not divulge either the denomination or the teaching -- I don't believe that it's relevant to the point I'm trying to make here). At the time, as a young boy, I was neither born-again nor was I (obviously) mature in the things of the Spirit (and I'm still learning, as we all are, the ways of the Kingdom). This particular denomination held itself in high esteem, to the point where it was almost as if they were the only ones that were truly following Jesus. It was debatable to them whether or not any other Christian could even make Heaven if they didn't belong to this particular denomination...scary, isn't it? Thankfully, since then I've been born-again, baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues (this denomination believed in speaking in tongues, by the way) and can now safely say that I do not consider myself part of any denomination.

Now don't get me wrong. This is not intended as a criticism of denominations, (there's carnality in many congregations that consider themselves "non-denominational" as well) but sometimes too much "structure" brings bondage. My point here is the level of carnality in the Body. Carnality causes division. Maturity brings unity. Carnality turns the focus on "me" and causes "me" to esteem "myself" better than others. This should really call for a closer examination of our Love walk, because Pride is the root here. Until we begin to realize that the focus is Jesus, we will never grow up into the place of maturity that the Father has planned for us both individually and corporately. Individually - because each member needs to understand his/her worth to the Body as a whole. This is most important. Without the "Individual" there is no "Corporate". The entrance into this reality is that first and foremost, we must utilize the Teacher that has been sent from Heaven in the Name of Jesus - the Holy Spirit. He has been sent to guide us into ALL TRUTH, show us things to come, and to HELP us to take our rightful place in the Body. Pray in the Holy Ghost...OFTEN. It is the ONLY way to rise above those things, such as false teaching, that will hinder us from fulfilling our calling. 

Sadly, there are many in the Body who are not in their rightful place, causing confusion. This is very dangerous. Ministering, or serving from a position of carnality will have disastrous results. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Revelation. It is He that knows what the Father's Will is for each and every one of us and to ignore Him would be foolish. After all, isn't He the Spirit of Wisdom?

Praying in the Holy Ghost, and abiding in the Mature (Agape) Love of God will keep us on the right path. The Love of God keeps us humble, takes our eyes off ourselves and brings us to the realization that it's not about a denomination...we are all called to be disciplined followers of Jesus Christ. The key here is to choose to be chosen. 

Let's ask ourselves this question: "Am I chosen?" Now this has nothing to do with whether or not you will make Heaven, but will have EVERYTHING to do with the reward you will receive when you get there. The disciplined follower of Christ, who has given his/her life for the Gospel...the one who chooses to serve the Master rather than him/herself by serving others, is the one who will receive the greater reward. This is how greatness in the Kingdom is measured.

 And he [Jesus] said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. [Luke 9:23-24]

Be Blessed!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Worrying Is Not A Part Of Your New Nature

A few months ago in my quiet time, I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit say, "Stop Worshiping at the Altar of Worry!"  Boy, talk about something that will get your attention...I never knew such a place existed! I was engaging in the wrong kind of worship! Truth be told, I have been known to worry from time to time (I know you have never had that problem, but I have - after all we're not talking about you - at least I don't think we are). Anyway, this is what I have discovered: whenever I give myself over to worry, I have given the enemy access to bombard my soul (mind, will, emotions) with all types of distraction. After all, worry leads to more worry. To choose to remain in unbelief (that's what worrying is) and give one's self over to meditate on circumstances gives the enemy a legal right to torment. Unbelief pleases the enemy, giving him something he can work with, in the same manner that Faith pleases God.

The Word of God has equipped us to combat any and every onslaught from the enemy. Whenever we open the door to any thought contrary to the Father's will for our life, the enemy rushes in. The devil is legalistic and he will take what you give him, but that's all he can take. He cannot take what is not legally his. Here's an example: If we choose to meditate on the present circumstances, that gives the devil room to give you more thoughts of despair, to show you and to tell you how hopeless things are and how they will never change. His mission is to destroy your hope. Hope is the bridge from Love to Faith. The enemy knows that we have received a taste of the Father's Love at the New Birth. If we continue to move forward into the place of the Agape of God where mature Love is, we will abide in Faith. His plan is to get you to abort - to stop before you get there. He knows what the result will be because he has seen it so many times from observing the many heroes of Faith over the course of human history.

This sounds strange to hear or to say, but our enemy "believes" more than we do! He knows the power of the Word, Worship, praying in the Spirit and Fasting. He knows the potential of the seed planted within us. So we combat him through praying in the Spirit, Fasting, Worship and the Word. Why do you think the trials and temptations come? To steal the seed! What is the seed? The Word of God that we have received! You see, the Word of God was planted in our spirit at the New Birth, translating that part of us - our spirit - from spiritual Death to Life; from darkness to light:

The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. [Ps. 119:130]

It is at that point that saving Grace through Faith becomes a part of our life:

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. [Rom. 10:17]

Now the Faith that comes, or enters, has to work so that we may operate as true sons and daughters:

...faith which worketh by love. [Gal. 5:6b]

Remember the Word of God says the just - that's you - live by Faith (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). If we operate in worry or torment, our Faith is stifled. Therefore we are encouraged to remain rooted and grounded in the Word of God:

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love [Eph. 3:17]

and to keep ourselves in the Love of God (Jude 21). Otherwise, Faith cannot be fully operational. That's why we count it all joy (James 1:2) when trials come - it shows us that we're on the right path! Have you ever noticed why there's such a fight in our lives before a great spiritual breakthrough? The devil doesn't want to give up any ground! Keep moving forward - remember, the devil is a defeated foe!

In closing, I'll leave you with this thought - something I heard recently in a message from Gary Carpenter (he's someone I reference a lot - I highly recommend his teachings - here's two links where you can listen to his teachings for free: http://www.garycarpenter.org/ and http://iktusnetmedia.com/c/Audio_-_Gary_Carpenter.html ). It's not a direct quote, but he said something to this effect: "Not all believers are Christians." Sobering, isn't it? Be aware that the devil himself and all the other fallen angels are also "believers" (James 2:19). Also bear in mind that a true "Christian," one who is considered "Christ-like" is a disciplined follower of Christ. We are called to be disciplined followers. Another must-listen series is by Pastor Jim Martin from Dayton, OH. He's currently teaching on discipleship. Here's the link: http://www.winterlive.com/grace/ (they're archived videos).

Keep pressing towards the mark - Jesus Himself, the author and finisher of our Faith. Be encouraged!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who Are We, Anyway? (Don't Let Religion Lie to You!)

EDITOR'S NOTE: This was received last night (November 3rd) at around 9:30PM. It is pretty much unedited, because I wanted to leave everything in its proper context. At the end, there are two scripture references that came to me just as I finished writing. Normally, whenever I receive anything that I believe is relevant and needs to be shared with the Body, I will "sit" on it for a few days before I get a release to post. In this case, however, I am prompted to share immediately. Please read prayerfully and judge for yourselves. No criticism is intended. This is really just a short "primer" for  believers as to their TRUE identity. As always, please feel free to add your comments. Please note that all comments are moderated. Thank you.

If we knew who we were, we would act accordingly. We make wrong petitions, make statements and pray prayers of unbelief because we do not understand our citizenship or our lineage. Sons do not beg. Everything has been provided for them by their Father. Their inheritance is sealed in the Blood.  Never ask your Father for anything contrary to His Word. Thank Him for what He has already provided and speak it into existence. That is the stance of Faith. Faith says "DONE!". Have the Faith of God. That is your inheritance. The Life that you now live is through the Faith of the Son of God. The just - YOU- live by Faith. That is the "God" kind of Faith that is produced by the Love of God. This is the Faith through which you receive your daily provision. Nothing shall be impossible to you because of the Love your Father has for you. That Love was manifested in Jesus' Death, Burial and Resurrection - FOR YOU.

He sent Heaven's best to die for you - the manifestation of His Love, God the Son. Then He sent Heaven's Best to tutor you, comfort you and guide you - God the Holy Spirit.

God the Father sent Jesus the Son to die on your behalf so you could be a part of His Family. Jesus petitioned God the Father to send the best Teacher you could ever have, God the Holy Spirit. He has come to help you maintain what you have obtained through the finished work of Jesus on the Cross. The Holy Spirit is also the One to keep you  from falling into any trap of the enemy that would lead you into error and deception. He is the One to help you to shed the old mind that came with the old man; the man that died at the moment you gave your life to Jesus. You now operate by the Mind of Christ, the mind of your new nature. Through the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, you now have the ability to think like God thinks, to speak like He speaks and to be an imitator of Jesus. You now have the ability to do the works of Jesus along with the "greater works", leading other people into the Kingdom, something that Jesus was not able to do while He was in the earth. He was able to demonstrate  the Kingdom to mankind, but they could never enter into the New Covenant until the work of the Cross was complete and Jesus was ascended into Heaven, to sit at the Father's right hand.

Simple, isn't it? So why has religion complicated such a simple message? There's a simple answer for that as well. Many teachings from the pulpit nowadays are delivered from "human understanding" - birthed in the soul and taught from the soul - totally devoid of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is Spirit and Life; there is no carnality in it whatsoever. The human mind cannot comprehend something as simple as the Gospel message because the concept of Grace cannot penetrate the "rational" mind. The "natural" intellect  operates by the notion that "I can only earn something by doing something in return". This is how the enemy blinds men's hearts.

You cannot rationalize the finished work of the Cross. You just accept it by Faith.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [John 3:16]

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. [1. Cor. 1:18]