Monday, July 23, 2012

Service That Pleases The Father: An Exhortation

In order for proper service in the Kingdom to begin, the natural soul has to be turned. The mind, will, emotions and intellect have got to give up the lead position that it held when the old man was alive. Now that he is dead, the transformation from the soul-led, spiritually dead mindset has to begin. Service in the Kingdom begins in the Spirit - that is where instruction is received. In order for this to be done in the proper order, two things have to happen: mortification of the flesh, and edification of the spirit. The flesh and all of it's appetites have to die (mortification) and the spirit man has to grow (edification).

The truth is, the old man died at the new birth. When one nature (the new) comes into existence, the old nature automatically dies. Two natures cannot co-exist in the same person: either you are spiritually dead with a sin-nature, or you are born of the Spirit with the nature of Christ in you. Old things are passed away...dead. However, if your mind has not been renewed through the Word of God, it will still think like the old man, wanting to serve in a Spirit-Kingdom with a carnal mindset. To be carnally (fleshly) minded is death. To be spiritually minded - renewed - to the mind of Christ, is life and peace. The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. If, when we who become born-again don't think with the Mind of Christ, we will forever live below our status as Royal Priesthood, Holy Nation, sons of God. We will always try to do things in our strength what Jesus already took care of on the Cross.

Rest. Your works didn't save you, and they certainly won't help you attain spiritual blessings. Ask for the Grace to receive.

The fastest way to begin to operate with the Mind of Christ - to think just like Jesus - is to choose to pray in the Holy Ghost on a consistent basis. The Mind of Christ is a terrible thing to waste. Being sense-ruled as a child of God in the Kingdom of God is the worst mistake any believer can make. Do not reject the Holy Spirit.